Is Margo Marlow interested in displaying her pieces in galleries?
Yes, Margo Marlow is represented by a number of galleries across the United States and welcomes other galleries. Please use the contact form to arrange a discussion with Margo.
What is the best way to contact Margo about purchasing her art?
You may use our online contact form or call Margo Marlow direct.
Could you go into more detail about your Cotton Rag art?
Margo creates the colors by natural pigments, and she make the paper by hand. The paper is made using the linter part of the cotton ball, so that it holds its shape and definition. Color, saturated and elemental, is where Marlow’s mind expands to fantasy. Working with paper, she invests the pulps with pigments that draw out an emotional response to the marvels of God’s creativity in nature and in the human heart. She is also fond of exercises in neutrals, letting the purity of the paper become a foil for warm digressions of beige and browns.
Could you talk more about your bronze sculptures?
Margo’s Bronze Sculpture focuses on the true tradition of bronze sculpting techniques… Lost wax method, or casting, is an ancient process dating back thousands of years to ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
It is still the best method for capturing exquisite detail in metal objects, which could not otherwise be produced given the complexity of their design. This process allows anything modeled in wax to be recreated fully and faithfully into various metals. The lost wax method is still employed today in the areas of sculpture, fine jewelry, restorative work in dentistry, and in the industrial setting. It is a demanding and expensive process but rewards the artisan & collector with an object of great detail and individuality.
What is the lost wax method? What does that mean?
The artist does a clay, the foundry makes a mold of the clay, the clay is cut into pieces, then the wax is poured inside of the mold and it is moved in all directions to smooth out the hot molten wax to ¼” inch thickness inside the mold. Then when the wax is dry, the pieces are dipped in what is called a sleuth (a sleuth has sand and porcelain mixed together) and then the wax is dipped once, every day for ten days, to put a coating around both sides of the wax. Then, funnels are attached to both ends (top and bottom), and then these are attached to a huge Lazy Susan in an upright position so that the molten bronze can be poured into the funnels. The molten bronze melts away the wax and replaces where the wax once was, and that creates the form. Then the foundry “chases” the pieces back together, this means they weld the bronze pieces together. Then it is highly polished, a chemical process called “patima” is used to create the finish. On all of Margo’s work, the blue patima is done by Margo personally. A blue patima the signature of Margo’s bronze work.