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Art Walk at the Promenade

Art Walk at the Promenade

Collection displayed from 2011-2013.
On the last Thursday of each month the Promenade, merchants, restaurants, and artists team up to host an “Art Walk’ from 5 pm to 7 pm. Restaurants, retail stores, and the artists’ studios will be open to the public. Artists will provide art demonstrations. The live music performance will be featured in the courtyard. Visitors can stroll, listen to the music, enjoy the art demonstrations and visit great merchants, all in the lovely ambiance of the Promenade.

The Promenade is located at the intersection of U.S. 41 and South Bay Drive, approximately 1.5 miles north of Bonita Beach Road. The Margo’s space is located at the northwest corner of the Promenade, space #114.